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About us




All who gather in the name of Jesus Christ are welcome at Grace. Worship services at Grace follow traditional Lutheran liturgy with preaching based on lectionary scriptures and communion every Sunday. Adults and children who regularly commune at their home congregations are invited to join in communion with us. We believe, teach, and confess that Jesus Christ is truly present in the bread and wine of Holy Communion. This is Christ’s table and his invitation is for all.




Grace’s Mission is to serve our church family and community with welcoming opportunities to worship God, hear God’s Word, celebrate God’s love and respond to Jesus’ call to discipleship by serving those in need.


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Pastor Jaci
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Bobbi Bean
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Joyce Bruntz



  • Sunday Worship with Communion: 10:30 AM every Sunday
  • Evening Prayer Services: 7:30 PM,  Soup supper fellowship events starting at 6:30 PM precede Evening Prayer Services during Lent and Advent.

  • Special Worship Services: Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Christmas Eve (normal start times are 7:30 PM)

  • Sunday School:   9:30am Sunday School for children age 3  thru 12th grade September thru May.

  • Adult Bible Study: 


Trinity Lutheran Church was established in Elmore in 1896. This church was largely German speaking and in 1906, its leaders decided to stop offering English language worship and education programs. The first Grace congregation was organized that same year to serve English-speaking Lutheran families who were excluded by this decision.


The new Grace congregation called its first Pastor in 1906. The congregation purchased an abandoned Presbyterian church in Elmore that served as its first sanctuary. As the congregation grew, it decided to build a new sanctuary on a location one mile north of Elmore.


The current sanctuary on that location was completed and dedicated in 1962. This facility was later expanded with the construction of a fellowship hall and educational facilities that were dedicated in 2001. Grace became a member congregation of the newly formed Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1987 and continues to be an active participant in the activities of the ELCA’s Northwest Ohio Synod.

  • Baptism
    The ELCA and Grace encourage the baptism of infants. Baptism ceremonies of children born to Grace families are important worship occasions for the entire community. Adults who have not been baptized are also accepted at the Baptismal Font.

  • First Communion
    At Grace, children are accepted at communion when their parents and the Pastor agree that the child is ready to take communion and the Pastor has been able to give instruction on the meaning and practice of communion.


  • Sunday School for Children
    Grace provides Christian education instruction for children from pre-school age until they are ready to start Confirmation classes.


  • AOB/Confirmation
    Baptized members who are in the 7th and 8th grades participate in a two-year Affirmation of Baptism program that culminates in their being “confirmed” as full voting members of the congregation.


  • Adult Bible Study
    At Grace, Christian education continues throughout one’s entire life. Weekly Adult Bible Study sessions for adults take place on Sunday morning at 9:30 am  from September through May. 


  • Elmore Food Pantry
    The Elmore Food Pantry is managed by the Elmore Ministerial Association and hosted by Grace. It serves the Woodmore School District. The pantry is financed and supported by Elmore churches that collect non-perishable food and community donations. The pantry is open on the second Friday of each month from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Volunteers to help distribute food are always needed. Call the church if you are willing to serve.


  • Jazzercise
    Grace facilities host Jazzercise exercise classes for women five times a week. The classes are held in the Fellowship Hall and the  basement and are open to anyone in the area. For more information contact Diane Sheets at 419-680-0042.


                Red Cross Blood Drive
                Grace cooperates with the American Red Cross to conduct blood drives two times a year in Grace Facilities.


  • Boy Scouts of America
    BSA Troop 314, Elmore OH, conducts its regular meetings in the Grace Fellowship Hall.



Grace Piecemakers design, sew and tie blankets that are contributed to Lutheran World Relief. They meet every Tuesday from January through March, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM


Grief Support Group

Participants share their grief and learn from each other as they find ways to cope with life during life’s most difficult challenges. 

Operation Oreo

This program assembles gift boxes containing cookies, candy and snacks and ships them to military personnel from the local area who are stationed at military installations away from home.


The Grace Dartball Team participates in a regional Dartball League comprised of teams representing ten churches in this area.

Grace Piecemakers - 2020
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