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Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

19225 W. Witty Road

Elmore, Ohio 43416

Phone: 419-862-3630

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When any of the following events occur, please contact the Pastor or church office:


✓ Illness and hospitalization   
✓ Death and burial                   
✓ Birth and baptism                 

✓ Planning a wedding              

✓ Moving                                    
✓ Special prayers or concerns

Grace is located one mile north of Elmore at 19225 W. Witty Road, at the corner of Witty Road and State Route 51. The parking lot is to the west side of the Church.


The church office (enter through the north door) is normally open Tuesday thru Thursday from 9:00 – 4:00.


 If no one is available at the church, please leave a message at 419-862-3630 or send an email message to Both are monitored.

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Grace members actively support the conduct of worship at Grace as well as its activities and ministries with their concerns, gifts and time. Here are ways you can serve:


  • Attend worship regularly: Worship is the foundation of Christian life.

  • Stewardship: Practice regular giving as you are able.

  • Serve as a Worship Assistant: Anyone who is interested in serving in any of the following worship roles should contact the Church office. Training is available for anyone who is new to serving as a worship assistant.​

  • Lectors: Read lectionary scriptures during services

  • Deacons: Prepare the sanctuary for worship and assist in serving communion

  • Acolytes: Youth who assist in the conduct of worship

  • Altar Guild: Assist with worship and communion preparations

  • Choir: Provides musical leadership during worship

  • Children’s Choir: Children also support worship with their musical gifts

  • Serve on a Board of Ministry: Members are invited and encouraged to volunteer to serve on Grace’s Boards of Ministry. Anyone who is interested should contact the church office and they will be referred to the Board Chairman.

  • Congregational Care: Plan and organize fellowship activities at Grace, including Annual Meeting and special event potlucks as well as Lenten and Advent Soup Suppers.

  • Education: Supervise the education programs at Grace that include Confirmation for youth, Sunday School for Children, Elmore community Vacation Bible School and Adult Bible Study.

  • Property: Responsible for the care, maintenance and cleaning of Grace physical facilities.

  • Witness and Mission: Grace allocates 10% of all offerings to benevolences that include Lutheran Church benevolences as well as religious benevolence programs in the Northwest Ohio area. This Board allocates benevolence distributions; it also develops additional benevolence projects that are funded by special fund-raising projects.

  • Worship and Music: The Board of Worship cooperates with the Pastor and Church Musician to plan the worship and music ministries of the church.

  • Participate in Church Activities: Grace offers a full program of service and fellowship activities in which members and other interested persons participate.



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